Descaling Chemical For Boilers And Tubes

Descaling Chemical For Boilers And Tubes
Scale accumulation along the waterside of boilers and boiler tubes will rob the equipment’s heat transfer efficiency. This scale accumulation can be made of rust, calcium, limescale, and many other mineral deposits.
These unwanted insulators accrue from several factors, including but not limited to: Operating hours, feed water hardness, operating temperature, and boiler treatment and maintenance.
It is crucial that a preventative maintenance program be put in place utilizing a DROPLET chemical descaler and a convenient and portable DROPLET Descaling System.
DROPLET chemical descaler is the safe, fast and effective tool for dissolving these deposits. An annual, or more frequently dependent on the above factors, DROPLET chemical descaler cleaning will dissolve the calcium, limescale, rust, and other mineral deposits into solution without harming the metallurgy or components within your boiler.
DROPLET chemical descaler is non-hazardous for the personnel who perform the cleaning and disposal is simple upon completion of the cleaning; as DROPLET chemical descaler is readily biodegradable.
For instance, a scale that is only 3/16’’ thick will cause the boiler to use 27% more fuel! More importantly – leaving this scale build up in the tubes of the boiler can greatly reduce the lifespan of the equipment.
The scale is naturally corrosive to the tube material, slowly but surely eating through at the tube walls! Maintaining your boiler with DROPLET chemical descaler minimizes scale accumulation, corrosion, and will ultimately increase the equipment’s lifespan and efficiency.
Boiler Tube Cleaning Methods
Just like in any industry, there is the hard way and the smart way of getting the job done. Traditional mechanical methods of tube cleaning such as rodding and hydro blasting, are expensive, time-consuming, and require extended downtime. Alternative chemical methods are hazardous, corrosive, and require additional PPE and disposal considerations. In some cases, it’s difficult to access the tubes to hydro blast or rod! This can also lead to inadequate cleaning and residual scale left in the boiler.
So, now that we’ve talked about the hard way to clean, let’s talk about the smart way to clean. Using The World’s Leading Biodegradable Descaler DROPLET to remove unwanted scale is easy, safe, and quick! The Leading Biodegradable Descaler, DROPLET, is non-corrosive, non-hazardous, and can be disposed of easily! Descaling heat exchangers are made even easier with the use of one of our descaling systems!
Amount of Droplet Chemical Descaler Required
A basic rule of thumb for most boilers on a preventative maintenance program would be to utilize a 25% DROPLET descaling solution of the total water volume.
Obviously, heavily fouled boilers or those maintained in less than ideal conditions would require the additional product. Our strong recommendation is to contact our headquarters at 630-523-8939 for technical assistance to help determine the appropriate circulating times and proper quantities of DROPLET chemical descaler.
Boiler Tube Descaling Procedure
Sahara Industry has been manufacturing safe chemical solutions for more than 75, so we are familiar with all shapes, sizes, and boiler configurations. The procedure outline below is brief and simple for most boiler cleanings.
- Shut down boiler.
- Blowdown with pressure still on.
- Drain and flush unit.
- Close steam valve.
- Add DROPLET, and then top off with water.
- Circulate through the drain or low point and return from the pressure relief valve or high point of the boiler back to a vented container.
- Circulate for 4-8 hours depending on volume.
- Open steam valve.
- Drain, flush, re-fill and startup.
For detailed instructions please visit our website or contact our technical staff for assistance.