
Best tips for dry skin problems in winter


Our love for skin is unconditional, but most of us face dry skin problems only during winter.

We take immense care of our skin during winters but still no use. So, if your one who is facing the same problem read on more, you will get many tips as a permanent solution.

Many factors will affect your skin, but 99.9% of people still believe only due to season. But it is 100% wrong. Based on research factors like hard water, diet, hot water, no time for exercise, improper moisturizers are some of the reasons for dry skin along with winter. You may feel shocked, but it is absolutely correct and let me discuss it clearly.

Factors that cause dryness on the skin:

Hard water:

Hard water is the decisive reason for dull and dry skin. Hard water contains overloaded mg+ and ca+, forming a thin layer on the skin. So when we wash with our soap, this thin layer will block and does not allow any moisturizers. Then it leads to dull and dry skin issues.

Correct diet:

247 people think of work, money, relationships, gossip, etc., and have no time for eating healthy food. 99.9% do not think about what food they are eating and where they are eating. To save time, most of us prefer packed and junk food. Consuming unhealthy food will not only affects the skin but to the body.

Hot water:

In cool winter we need hot baths that give so much relaxation. But it leads to dull and dry skin even if you use soft water, and all the pores will open up and reduce your natural oils.

No time for exercise:

We need good exercise for good skin and health, but we do not have time to spend with hurry burry era. So it is also one of the reasons for dry and dull skin.

Improper moisturizers:

100% of the people prefer to use moisturizers during winters. That’s a good choice, but how many of you use correct PH value moisturizers. Absolutely no one. It is also one of the factors to cause dull and dry skin.

Now let us discuss the tips that give you the permanent solution:

Shift to soft water:

Every house should need water softeners, especially those with more difficult water issues. Water softeners have a great capacity to convert your hard water to soft water, and soft water can save you from hard water and skin damage.

Prefers to lukewarm water:

Lukewarm water is the best solution as it helps to promote your skin’s health naturally.

Use correct PH level moisturizers:

Before purchasing moisturizers, you better see PH value instead of price tags. If you see only price tags, you may need to invest more in skincare hospitals and parlors. So better check for the PH level of the moisturizers. Using PH level moisturizers will help you promote the skin naturally.

Perfect diet:

Instead of spending your time on many things is ok but also have time for yourself for at least taking healthy food. If not, you may face many health problems and dull and dry skin.


If you are the person who has maintained a diet, used correct moisturizers and luck warm water but still facing issues means the root problem is hard water. So, buy the best water softeners to put a check on that issue. Also best to buy at the best place, i.e., Sahara industry.